
Prayer Needs, Requests & Ministry Signup

A Ministry Of Prayer

Our Intercessory Prayer Ministry is a team of trained and confidential prayer partners lifting up the needs of our church and community. We work throughout the week lifting up the requests/needs of our church and beyond, and pray for all types of needs that are brought to the attention of our intercessors. If you would like to sign up and be a part of our Prayer ministry, please scroll to the bottom of the page and signup.

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Needs & Requests

We pray for all types of needs that are brought to our attention.

If you would like to add someone to the Prayer List, please use the request form provided below, OR you may contact the church office via phone or direct email.

Prayer Requests

We are not aware of any church members in the hospital today.

Prayers Needed

Betty Davis (surgery January 22)
Sandra Bradford (upcoming tests)
Mike Lathem
Faye Aiken
Adam & Shelley Kozic
Hayes Wallen
Dorothy Betenbaugh (Mother of Joie Brown)
Alex Lee (Deployed to Eastern Europe)
Bobby & Ann Reid
Taylor Tatum
Cliff Jones (Friend of Dave and Beth Burgess)
Anita Mills
Priscilla Fulbright
Darrell Reese
Margaret Chapman
Mary Ann Myers
Bob Dobbins
Abby Davis
Cynthia Woodruff
Chere Edwards
Clifton Wynn
Landon Tatum
Liz Hestily (Brookstone Terrace of Simpsonville)
Adam Dover
Metz Looper
Ann Mauldin (Mother of Gina Simmons)
Betty Brock (NHC Mauldin)
Don Abbott
Alvin Henson
Emily Fuzia
Pat Batson (The Gables on Pelham)
Helen Duncan
Donna Anderson
Joyce Wynn (NHC Mauldin, Room 203)
Robert Coleman
Georgia Sizemore
Virginia Atkinson
Joye Rickenbaker
Becky Greene
Batsie Styles
Lynn Rogers (Sister of Dawn Williams)
Cheryl Keever (Sister of Kay Looper)
Fay Carey (Sister of Kay Looper)
Pawnee Barden (Aunt of Nancy Evans)
Shannon Crocker (Cousin of Jimmy Bishop)
Carol Patterson
Benny Evans

Have a Prayer Request?

Our Intercessory Prayer Ministry Team faithfully prays throughout the week for the requests and needs of our church and beyond. We pray for all types of prayer requests submitted to the BFBC Prayer Room. Requests are confidential, and remain in the Prayer Room for 30 days. Please fill out the form below to share a prayer need with our Intercessory Prayer Ministry Team - OR - you may also submit your prayer request by directly emailing

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Please pray for:

Mailing Address
Allows us to potentially send Prayer Notes if filled out.

Prayer requested by:

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Prayer Ministry Groups

Prayer is the heartbeat of our relationship with God.

The Prayer Ministry’s sole purpose is to unite our congregation by equipping, teaching, and mobilizing us in prayer. Below are various ways you can get involved.

Prayer is not only the heartbeat of our relationship with God…

It’s also the conduit for His power to enable us to help people connect with Christ and the means by which His Kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.  The Prayer Ministry’s sole purpose is to unite our congregation in being a people of prayer by equipping, teaching, and mobilizing us in prayer.  Below are various ways to be involved in the prayerlife of our church.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry: a ministry of intercession for our church and community, missions, government and world concerns, and numerous submitted prayer requests that are confidential. A one year commitment is made to pray one hour a week in the Intercessory Prayer Room, or to be a substitute for a weekly intercessor when needed. BFBC membership and attending an orientation are required.

Ministry Prayer Partners: a ministry of intercession for our ministry staff. A one year commitment is made to pray at home for a designated BFBC minister and ministry on a daily basis. BFBC membership is not required.

Men’s weekly prayer group: a group of men who pray together every Thursday at 7:00 a.m. The focus of this prayer group is reading and discussing God’s Word and responding in prayer. A commitment and BFBC membership are not required.

Grandmothers in Prayer: a group of grandmothers who pray together monthly for their grandchildren. A commitment and BFBC membership are not required.

Prayerwalking: a ministry of intercession on site. Individuals or small groups will pray on various sites throughout our community and at our schools. Prayerwalking could also be done before an event or on the national/international mission field. A commitment and BFBC membership are not required.

Moms in Prayer: a group of mothers who pray together for their children and schools at a regularly scheduled time. This group would be a part of the world-wide prayer ministry of Moms in Prayer International. A commitment and BFBC membership are not required.

Student Prayer Ministry: a ministry of intercessory prayer for our BFBC students, grades 6-12. A one year commitment is made to pray at home over each student by name throughout the week.
BFBC membership is required.

Praying for BFBC Widows: a ministry of intercessory prayer for our widows. A one year commitment is made to pray at home for each of our widows by name. BFBC membership is required.

Praying for BFBC Homebound members: a ministry of intercessory prayer for our church members who are homebound. A one year commitment is made to pray at home for each of our homebound members by name. BFBC membership is required.

Prayer Ministry Signup

Please fill out the form below to be a part of our Prayer Ministry.

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I would like to serve in:
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