
Thank you for your faithful support.

Our church operates completely on the faithful giving of those who attend our services.

Each year our church finance team/committee looks at all of the needs of the various ministries of our church. The team/committee then brings a recommended budget to the church body. After much prayer and discussion, that budget is then approved. This is our operating budget for the entire year and is completely funded by the gifts of our people. All expenses and budgets are under the accountability of our finance team, financial secretary, and administrator. We want you to be confident that your gifts are being used responsibly and appropriately. Thank you for considering this opportunity to partner with our church as we minister to our community, state, nation, and the world.

When you are ready to give, please click the link below or for more information Click Here For Our BFBC FAQ’s page. If you have any questions or concerns please email Dennis Paxton at

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